Men Over 40:

Once You Know This Ancient 5 Minute Ritual, She’ll Lay There Thinking…

“Finally, He Can Stay Hard

As Long As I Want!”

Men Over 40:

Once You Know This Ancient 5 Minute Ritual, She’ll Lay There Thinking…

“Finally, He Can Stay Hard As Long As I Want!”

If you can’t “rise to the occasion” whenever she wants you…

Or, if you can get The Captain to stay at “full salute”...

The answer is NOT testosterone shots.

Please, for the love of God, don’t fall prey to that dangerous medical myth.

But hey, if you want to increase your risk of cancer, heart attack, and even shrink your walnuts - knock yourself out. ¹ ² ³

Or, you can try a safe, five-thousand year old alternative I’m about to show you.

This Ancient Ritual has nothing to do with injections, pills, or whatever new bullsh*t the medical industrial complex is pushing on you this week.


If you want to keep her smiling under the covers, there is a far more effective, safe, and 100% natural way to keep your soldier standing at attention for hours.

Today, you’ll discover my Ancient 5 Minute Ritual (plus a whole stack of little-known methods) for getting and keeping rock solid wood no matter how old you are, or how long you’ve struggled with this embarrassing problem.

Hey, my name is Troy Casey.

I’m 57 years young.

I’ve traveled the world in search of everlasting health, vitality, and strength.

And my work has been featured on dozens of media outlets, from

The Discovery Channel, The New York Post, and I even appear in a Netflix series.

But, enough about me.

Today, I’m going to give you a powerful (but weird) ritual I’ve been using for 30 years to keep my girlfriends and wife VERY happy in the bedroom.

It’s 100% natural and 100% safe.

However, this Ancient Ritual has one negative side affect:

Random women will feel drawn to your hidden power. They might start stopping you on the street, want to talk to you, or get otherwise get your attention. And that will probably upset your wife or girlfriend.

I have taught this exact ritual to hundreds of men who, after they try it and practice it with their wives/girlfriends, send me messages like this:

“Troy is The F***ing Man,

What This Guy Teaches Is Amazing.”

So, if this Ancient Ritual is so simple, and so effective, why do most modern men know nothing about it?

Well, that’s a long story. But the bottom line is, the T-shots industry makes a killing off your weakness, and they want you hooked on their little blue pills for life.

The fact is:

If you practice this little ritual consistently, you’ll see your T-levels skyrocket, and your tent firmly pitched every morning, just like you did in your 20s.

You can thank me later.

I’ll explain the science behind why this ancient ritual gives men age 40+ throbbing wood.

But first, let’s unpack WHY this soul-crushing problem is so common in our effed-up modern society.

Here’s the hard truth you need to grasp…

She’ll Never Understand Why

You Have Trouble Staying Hard…

And It Wouldn’t Help Even If She Could!

Women are beautiful, but strange creatures.

She might tell you “it’s OK babe, you’ll do better next time”.

She might seem to empathize when you can’t raise the flag pole…

She might even support you, doing internet research about this soul-crushing problem, or finding a T-shot clinic for you.

But, the harsh reality is:

Now, she thinks you are weak.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make.

It doesn’t matter how many lavish vacations you take her on.

It doesn’t matter how much jewelry you buy her.

NONE of those things can change her covert thoughts about you…

The only thing that will end her anger and frustration is when you finally lead her in the bedroom, and give her the long-lasting intimacy she craves until she wonders:

“How Does He Stay Hard

For SO Long?”

I know, this is probably a hard pill to swallow.

And as soon as you start using this Ancient 5 Minute Ritual you’ll start to turn things around.

But, first, I want you to understand how much this problem you have actually bothers her.

Have you noticed…

  • She was always sweet and caring… now she nags you?

  • She always followed your lead… now she challenges your decisions?

  • She was always agreeable and nice… now she picks fights with you over the most stupid, pointless sh*t?

If you said “yes” to any of those, now you know - deep down she’s frustrated as HELL with you.

If you said “no” keep an eye out for these behaviors, because if you keep disappointing her you’ll begin to notice her frustration.

Her frustration spills out into hundreds of ways she’ll disrespect and mistreat you, until finally…

Eventually, She’ll Just Leave You…

Yes, even if you’ve been married for 30 years.

Yes, even if she’s Catholic and would “never get a divorce”.

Yes, even if you were “her first”.

Women (gotta love ‘em)...

They say one thing, and they do another.

I’ve seen this play out dozens of times with my clients.

It’s tragic. It’s heartbreaking. And it’s 100% avoidable and easy to fix.

So, how does any man age 40 rise to the occasion, and last as long as she wants him to?

It’s a combination of science and a 5,000 year old trick I discovered in my travels through the Amazon Jungles of South America, and studying with my mentors for decades.

The Ancient Secret To A Strong-As-Steel Rod

Pharma Executives Hope You Never Discover

What really causes impotence in men over 40?

Is it what everyone wants you to believe; low testosterone?

Or, could it be something else entirely?

The common “wisdom” says your T-levels are just going to drop off a cliff when you hit age 40 and there’s nothing you can do about it.

And when that happens?

You can say goodbye to those long nights of making your wife or girlfriend scream: “Don’t Stop! Don’t Stop!”

That’s why most guys laser focus on testosterone, and desperately rush

to the nearest T-clinic for a quick fix.

Sure, testosterone is important, however…

There’s a different hormone destroying your testosterone.

This other hormone obliterates every man’s ability to build muscle, burn fat, and raise his mast whenever his wife wants to set sail.

Thanks to the stupid hustle and grind lifestyle, sitting too much, and the toxic “food” American guys eat, this T-destroying hormone is rampant in modern men.

But, do you wanna know the crazy part?

Simply balancing and reducing this other hormone makes your testosterone skyrocket back to the levels you had in your glory days.

I’m going to show you how to do that quickly, and easily by taking control of your…


The “Manhood Destroying” Hormone

Cortisol is commonly known as “The Stress Hormone”.

The funny thing is, a small amount of cortisol is actually good for you.

In fact, it helps wake you up in the morning.

HOWEVER, chronic stress, toxic foods, and our modern lifestyle have caused a Cortisol Epidemic among men over 40.

And, do you know the worst thing about cortisol?

It utterly destroys your testosterone!

That totally demolishes your strength, your vitality, and your ability to stay hard when she wants you.

This is why dropping your cortisol is essential to boosting your T-levels without injections, and rapidly getting your manhood back in full working order.

Because science doesn’t lie, my friend.

Just look how hard and fast your testosterone levels nose dive when your cortisol levels rise.

Imagine your body is a Ferrari.

You could fill your tank with the highest octane fuel on the market…

But, what if you mix water with your fuel?

You won’t get past 2nd gear.

Similarly, testosterone is your high-octane “man fuel”,

but if there’s too much cortisol, you’re never gonna get to 2nd base.

You’re definitely not hitting a “home run” in the bedroom when she wants you to.

The sad part is, men are lied to about this common problem.

They’re told by the media, friends, and even many MDs that their bedroom problem is “mental” and they should just “change their mindset”.

That sounds nice, but the fact is…

It’s Not “All In Your Head”...

It’s All In Your Bloodstream!

Researchers discovered; high cortisol levels inhibit the release of your gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

GnRH is your hormone that signals your pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), which is crucial for testosterone production in your family jewels.​4

Plus, it’s not just Harvard exposing how much cortisol is destroying relationships all over America.

Dozens of recent studies from prestigious labs are uncovering…

could Cortisol Be Turning Your Steel Rod…

Into a Cold Dead Cod?

Because cortisol has a vasoconstrictive effect (it narrows the blood vessels) it doesn’t just make your testosterone drop off a cliff.

Scientific research suggests high cortisol can cut off blood flow to your manhood.

Need me to say it in plain English?

High cortisol = soft wood.

And eventually, high cortisol levels can reduce blood flow to your member so much, you might be left with a limp cucumber.

That means, even if you pump yourself full of testosterone, you still might have trouble staying hard - because you haven’t cleaned up your cortisol!

The sad part is, cortisol doesn’t give a damn about arousal.

You could be as ready as a dog in heat.

But, no matter what alluring outfit she wears, no matter if she touches you in all the right places, and no matter what CRAZY thing she tries to get you excited and “ready”, it will be like…

She’s Giving Mouth-To-Mouth

To A Limp, Dead Fish!

Frustrated, she’ll eventually throw her hands up and wonder “Why can’t he just rise to the occasion. Nothing I do works. Is it ME”?

No, sugar… It’s not you. It’s his sky-rocketing cortisol levels. Cortisol is preventing blood flow where he needs it the most. 

The science is pretty simple. So, now you know the dangers of Cortisol: “The Stress Hormone” and how it’s pissing off your girlfriend, the only question is: How do you naturally, and safely lower cortisol, increase your testosterone, and reclaim your manhood without injections or pills?

Well, I’m glad you asked. Introducing…

Amazonian Wood gives you back your masculine power in the bedroom, naturally.

Inside, I show you a technique I’ve been using for decades to keep my cortisol low, my testosterone high, and my wife… well, very happy.

And, that’s all while I’m running my own insanely busy schedule with my business as a health and wellness entrepreneur.

Just because you crush it at work or in your business does NOT mean you need to be stressed out, burnt out, fat, or floppy in the bedroom.

I’m living proof of that.

Amazonian Wood shows you this ancient technique that only takes 5 minutes per day to get started.

Here’s what you can expect when you start using this powerful ancient practice for just 5 minutes every day.

Day 3

You will start noticing major changes in your energy levels.

You’ll start noticing you’re more calm, centered, and happy.

This is how you KNOW it’s working.

Keep going.

Because you know your iron-clad rod is making a come back real soon.

Day 7

You will feel a youthful power rising inside you.

You’ll be energized, ____ like you’re 26 years old again.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if you started being more mischievous, or even doing stupid sh*t just for fun.

Why do you think guys in their mid-twenties get into so much trouble?

(Hint: it’s their raging testosterone and low cortisol levels)

Day 14

You will start seeing noticeable increases in firmness, strength, and stamina when you pitch your tent.

Amazonian Wood will guide you through using this Ancient Practice for 30 days.

If you want to stop after that, fine.

But, once you see the results?

You’ll probably keep doing this Ancient Practice every day for the rest of your life.

Because let’s face it - she won’t want you to stop!

By now, the only thing you’re probably wondering is…

Amazonian Wood Sound Amazing, Troy!

How Do I Get My Hands On It?

Amazonian Wood is free when you sign up for my comprehensive book and training course: Ripped At 50 Deluxe.

Ripped At 50 is my comprehensive course for men over 40 who want to get in shape in ALL aspects of their life, using 100% natural methods.

Yes, Amazonian Wood shows you one of my most powerful strategies for staying hard whenever she wants you, and…

Amazonian Wood is only the tip of the spear.

Ripped At 50 gives you my entire “stack” of strategies and techniques for increasing your testosterone levels, becoming strong, powerful, focused, and vibrantly ALIVE at any age.

Once you combine the Amazonian Wood Method with everything else I give you inside Ripped At 50, you’ll be an unstoppable force of Nature - in your career, in sports, in the bedroom, and in life.

Here’s Everything You Get Today

Inside Ripped At 50 Deluxe

Flip to page one, and you’ll see why my best-selling book has been celebrated by the biggest influencers in health, fitness, and freedom.

These A-Players love my book because it gave them the missing link to maximum performance, power, and vitality - from the battlefield, to the boardroom, and the bedroom.

Read it.

Do the practices.

Unlock a level of inner power you never knew existed.

Specifically, here are the transformative “Master Practices” you’ll find:


What works better than bullsh*t T-shots?

Actually using your god-given lungs the way they were designed.

I’ll give you a breathing exercise that rewires your brain to drop cortisol, and boost testosterone… I’ll let you guess what happens between your sheets as a result.


Kickstart your internal drug manufacturing facility first thing in the morning.

Far too many of us rely on external drugs just to scrape by.

This interactive breathwork can help you shed the need for external B.S. and tap the power of your natural neurochemistry.


One of the most powerful medicines that we’ve willingly given up so we can spend more time on screens is - movement.

Lack of movement is one of the leading causes of ailments and early death.

Learning to move properly is critical for shedding that spare tire, love handles she doesn’t love, and flabby arms.

Best part?

You don’t even have to go to the gym. You can do it all at home.

Don’t believe me?

Good. Believe my students instead.

Here are some results from my students after they used the Ripped At 50 Movement Protocol.


How you fuel your body has everything to do with your stamina, mood, energy levels, hormones, and weight.

We are being fed lab-made garbage as if we’re the lab rats.

No wonder America is waddling around, hardly able to fit in a normal sized airplane seat.

Meanwhile, I’m 57 and still have a six pack.

How is this possible?

The old saying goes “abs are made in the kitchen” and I’m living proof it’s true.

No, I don’t spend hours in the gym. I don’t even have a gym membership!

And no, I don’t starve myself either. I eat like a horse, and look great.

The secret?

Well, I’ll show you how micronutrients plus specific movement burns fat and gets you ripped.

Clean up your nutrition with my Micronutrient Blueprint, and you’ll be amazed how much easier it is to manage your weight.


Scientists are finding evidence that simply being in nature can help reduce anxiety, reduce stress, increase focus, boost stamina, and much more.

Most importantly, being in nature has been shown to improve our ability to improve our relationships at the deepest level.

Tap into nature starting with just 5 minutes per day and watch how fast your energy, power, and relationships transform


All of us have a Mount Everest in our life. Whether that’s a daily task to conquer, or something much bigger, we have to approach these duties with a certain energy to make sure they are done right, and with purpose.

I’ll show you how to get on your path, and stick to it.



No time to read? No problem.

Watch everything included in Ripped At 50 and save time.

This no bullsh*t, no fluff video series shows you how to use my

9 Pillars Of Health everyday to see lasting change in your body, your mindset, emotions.

Improve your performance, confidence, and ability to kick ass

in all areas of your life.

Ready to take control of your life in the bedroom and everywhere else?

Join us inside Ripped At 50 and let’s unleash the power inside you.

What’s The Investment To Transform

My Relationship, Body, and Life?

Well, a better question might be…

What’s the price tag on divorce court these days?

Last I heard, it’s a minimum of $15,000 to untie the knot.

You might think I’m reaching here, but the fact is “bedroom problems”

is the #1 reason couples split up.

So, keep that in mind when you click the button below and key in your card info.

Besides, can you even put a price on your health, lifespan, or your happiness?

I don’t think so.

That’s why the generous offer of just $49 for Ripped At 50 should be a no brainer for you.

But, before you join me on this incredible transformation, a fair warning.

I don’t have patience for whiners, complainers, or laziness. Because when you order Ripped At 50, I expect you to be dedicated and committed to your results.

And if you’re thinking this is just some “quick fix” I’d honestly prefer you NOT order Ripped At 50.

This program gives you access to ancient wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years.

I’ve dedicated my life to distilling it, and sharing it with the men who need it the most.

It’s NOT for weak modern men who want pills, injections, or quick fixes.

I have built a tribe of thousands of strong, committed, and dedicated men.

These men wake up in the morning with passion and drive.

These men are fired up to DO something about their problems.

These men are willing to invest the time, effort, and energy into BUILDING a better life with their will, strength, and grit…

…NOT with pharma drugs or “quick fix” solutions.

Today, I am inviting you to join this brotherhood.

I’ve dedicated decades of my life to helping thousands of men like you.

Everything I teach will work for you, if you stick with it.

That might take you 5 days, 5 weeks, or 5 years.

Results will vary depending on how much the toxicity of the modern world has a grip on your life currently.

But, will it change your life?

That I can guarantee you.

Can you handle it?


Click the button below and let’s get rolling.

If you’ve read this far, you might be searching for the “money back guarantee” section.

Well, there is NO “30 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!” crap.

Because I’ve told you everything you can expect to gain from this program.

You know exactly what you’re getting.

And you are an adult man, right?

So… be one.

Make this decision and stick with it.

Or don’t.

Click the button below and let’s take on the world.

Sincerely Yours,

Troy Casey

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